Part 2:The Beginning

Everything was a blur my head it hurt, it was spinning as i touched my head my vision came into focus His deep blue eyes staring back at me.I panicked and backed myself into a corner.Who are you? Where am i ? What did you do to me? Calm down he said.. He moved closer to me!!! I couldn't go anywhere thanks to me backing myself into this stupid corner ughh!!First Rule dont put yourself in a situation you can't get out of. I won't hurt you he said i guess he could see i was scared.He said im cole nice to meet you and let me tell you i don't know what got into me that i got up and said is it Nice? Is It? 

Cole: Fine have it your way! I'm cole and your in sky central and i didn't do anything thing just knocked you out to make it easy since you wouldn't comply.

I started to walk to the door..

Cole: you can't leave it's locked shut princess.

I turned around..

Me:  Open it now! And don't you call me princess!

Cole: you just got here and already giving me orders! 

Me: So i suppose that it's okay for you to kidnap me bring me to this place that i don't know and expect me to be nice to you and comply with what you tell me funny haha!

Cole: He smiles,Listen Im not at liberty to discuss everything with you Now..All you need to know is this is your home so get use to it.
Im currently pacing back and forth in this small room with no way out Great! Cole took a seat in a chair at the opposite side of the room.. Listen Hazle i know your scared ,i know you want to go back to your parents but you can trust me...silence filled the room for a moment and eventhough i shouldn't have trust him because i didn't know him.. I belived him. The following words haunted me for the hours to come "i work for your family". Tears filled my eyes and he looked away..

Me: why in the HELL would my parents kidnap me it doesn't make sense cole?? Cole look at me! 

He cleared his throat.. Not them..
When the door flug opened.....

Back in ShadowFort at my house it was swarming with cop cars. My parents where worried.Police Officers where sure i was kidnapped.My dad walked into my room lastnight to find my window open and a note that read..

"We've taken her Back.
It's her Time.
§ "

The Next day as news spread around the small town of shadowFort about my disappearance Theory's and Rummors followed.But their was one person who was obulivious to my disappearance until.. Cops came knocking at his door.Luke Edward Brooks Ladies and Gentlemen i give you my boyfriend..and you maybe asking why wouldn't he know that your missing and well we had a fight two nights ago.Lastnight when he messaged me to ask if we were good after he apologized i was kidnapped.
Luke opened the door confused but hoping it was me at his door was he wrong.

Officer: Luke Edward Brooks ? 

Luke: yes sir what's going on?

Officer: you are here by under Aresst for the disaperance of Hazle DarkBloom 

Luke: what? Shes missing? 

Officer: you have the right to remain silence anything you say or do can and will be used against you in the court of law you have the right to an attorney if you cant afford one one will be appointed to you. Do you understand this rights that have been read to you? 

Luke: yeah But i didn't do it! Who took her?!?!

  Sorry i uploaded late i do upload first on wattpad. Let me know what you guys think :)


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