Part One:Princess.§

   I go by Princess.S now it's short for scarlett or as my guards call me which still amuses me "Princess Scarlett"( Q the laughing).
I found out Iam Royolty and own an intire kingdom.yeahh! you read that right! It's crazy i know i went from being a normal teenager to having an entire Army at my Command.But let me take you back to the Day it all began.
   I got home from another lame day at school ugh! No one was home.My parents work most of the Day get home around 9pm and it was only 2:30pm.Great! So i did the usual i did my homework,chores because if i don't my mother would kill me and by "kill me" i mean she won't shut up about it.Then i watched tv for the rest of the day while i order some pizza. Nine Pm rolled around mom walked in through the front door

Me:"hey mom!"

Mom:" hey! its been along day im jump in the shower can you order some pizza for me and your father."

Me :"okay sure"

15 minutes later pizza arrived
Me: "pizzas here!!

Half an hour later dad got home and i only noticed because i bumped into him on my way to the bathroom.

Dad:"Hey bud, how was school?"

Me:"Fine dad!"

   I rushed to the bathroom so i could make it back before commercials.
      Its midnight i start to make my way to bed only to spend more time on my phone before drifting of to sleep.I dont know about you but i love to sleep i have crazy Ass dreams.I was in one of thoughs when i was woken up by what i assumed was mom and dad. To my surprise it was this guy to where i screamed. "Ahhhhhh!!" He covered my mouth telling me to be quiet.(I was sure he was saying something but i got distracted by his wings i know insane! How can i Hazle Darkbloom get distracted ,when a stranger is in my room it happened.. Sorry.) i didnt know it then but i would pay the consequences.For sure i thought i was dreaming ,but was i? No. He was their i The flesh, piercing Blue eyes staring at me in the Darkness.Then i hurd something along the lines of "we need to go you're in Danger!Move NOW!" He pulled me but i wasn't going down easy. I've seen to many crime shows to know how it ends.. So i put up a fight but his hand came back over my mouth as i screamed DAD HEL!!!!
(The light of the hallway turned on
Dad: Hazle are you okay?) I tried fighting him but i wasn't strong enough if i could scream again dad would come Running to help me.Thats when i hurd what he said Next...
(I could hear dad walking down the hallway and all i could think was FASTER,FASTER DAD..!)"Sorry Princess But you left me No choice" And everything faded to Black...


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