Have you ever Notice..


Today started out with me not having any idea of what i was going to write about.Because more than anything i want to inspire you guys to give you advice and to help you.I want to be the person you can come to when you feel you don't have anyone because i will always be here.So i'll start off by telling you to smile and that you are beautiful because you are.:)
But have you ever stoped and looked at the sky long enough to realize that we spend our time looking down.How much we get caught up in our own little worlds.We never look up long enough to live in the moment and admire the things around us.The people that matter most to us and when we do it's to late.So take a moment and appreciate what you have,one day it may all disappear before your very eyes. I Dare you.

Ps.Sending all my love ❤

Over and out xxx


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