
Showing posts from August, 2017

Open letter

So i was ganna start of with dear, something but knowing me i changed my mind so here it is... He is the boy that came into my life when i was in need of a friend.A funny,charming,adorable boy with style and a side you didn't know he had just by looking at him.The one who doesn't mind me giving him nickname's.when i was broken he was there and his been here by my side. She is the girl the one i had the pleasure of calling my bestfriend. The girl that will take down any guy in order to protect me.The one i run to with my boy drama.The one who is funny,dramatic,sarcastic and beautiful.without her i wouldn't be here now. Then there is the other boy the one who doesn't stop asking for hugs knowing that i dont give hugs.He is the funny,creative and sensitive one.The one who drives me crazy girl with girl advice but im glad he can come to me for advice.His the one who calls to check up on me and to tell me he misses me.He is my guy bestfriend. So i wanna say Thank yo

Outsider's Who?

Hey guys, Sorry i haven't been writing like i told you guys i would i been bussy forgive me. On another note this is what i have for you today. Enjoy!!:) "To the girl/boy who reads by flashlight,who sees dragons in the clouds,who feels most alive in worlds that never were, who knows magic is real, the one who dreams.            This one's for you."                        -unknown. Let me tell you since i let my walls down im happier i feel like im able to breath fresh air.I think you should do the same break your wall down too.we need to stop letting others influence the way we feel,think and express our self's.SHIT!! From my point of view you are confident (Excuse my language)AS FUCK! There is no need to let others bring us down.Say it out loud i Dare you!Say that you are Confident As Fuck!!:) If you accepted my dare and did it then doesn't it make you feel great saying it out loud.Because let me tell you writing this for you guys makes me happy.:) I