
Part 2:The Beginning

Everything was a blur my head it hurt, it was spinning as i touched my head my vision came into focus His deep blue eyes staring back at me.I panicked and backed myself into a corner.Who are you? Where am i ? What did you do to me? Calm down he said.. He moved closer to me!!! I couldn't go anywhere thanks to me backing myself into this stupid corner ughh!!First Rule dont put yourself in a situation you can't get out of. I won't hurt you he said i guess he could see i was scared.He said im cole nice to meet you and let me tell you i don't know what got into me that i got up and said is it Nice? Is It?  Cole: Fine have it your way! I'm cole and your in sky central and i didn't do anything thing just knocked you out to make it easy since you wouldn't comply. I started to walk to the door.. Cole: you can't leave it's locked shut princess. I turned around.. Me:  Open it now! And don't you call me princess! Cole: you just got here and already giv...

Whats to come!

Hey guys, How are you doing? I hope you are doing great and if not keep your head up and stay strong.we've got this! On another note sorry thay i haven't written anything lately I've been bussy. We just into a house the hard part if you ask me unpacking😂😂, But i got this... Well maybe.. Also ive been working on part 3 for the princess.§ story and yes i said part 3 because i uploaded part 2:The beginning on wattpad.But no worries my dude i will upload it here only if you guys wanna read it let me know.I've been trying to record the first video for my youtube channel.But it's way harder than you guys think it's scary to have a video out there (soon) because you have to put up with the criticism that will follow and you can't control it. So i have to be mentally and physically ready for it. Because no matter how much good and positivity i try to put out there,their will always be people who dont like me and thats okay:) I've made pe...

Stay safe

Hey dudes, I was going to write to you guys yesterday but after everything that happened i didn't. By know we all heard about the tragic event that happen yesterday at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. Its Tragic and i want you guys to know to please stay safe be aware of your surroundings.Im still having a hard time believing it happened and even though i wasn't there i feel for the people affected by this tragedy.They where kids and teachers who where meant to live to see there future to achieve there dreams and goals. I write this to express my emotions to what happend and to remind you guys to spread positivity and kindness we need more of that in this world.please stay safe. With all my love❤ Over and out xxx

Happy New Years!πŸŽ‰

Hey,punks Happy New years! First of all i want to Thank you for This wonderful journey we embarked on in 2017. Its been great having you guys read my stuff❤ I appreciate it!! Maybe this year will take it a step further and ill make my youtube channel who knows!?:)  I hope this year is filled with great memories for you to embark on ! What happened last year is in the past will only go forward from this point. I love you guys Always!stay safe!❤ Make a wish and Hope it comes true! Over and out xxx

Part One:Princess.§

   I go by Princess.S now it's short for scarlett or as my guards call me which still amuses me "Princess Scarlett"( Q the laughing). I found out Iam Royolty and own an intire kingdom.yeahh! you read that right! It's crazy i know i went from being a normal teenager to having an entire Army at my Command.But let me take you back to the Day it all began.    I got home from another lame day at school ugh! No one was home.My parents work most of the Day get home around 9pm and it was only 2:30pm.Great! So i did the usual i did my homework,chores because if i don't my mother would kill me and by "kill me" i mean she won't shut up about it.Then i watched tv for the rest of the day while i order some pizza. Nine Pm rolled around mom walked in through the front door Me:"hey mom!" Mom:" hey! its been along day im jump in the shower can you order some pizza for me and your father." Me :"okay sure" 15 minutes later pizza arri...


Hey,Sunshine Today we will be talking about Depression and i know its a hard topic to talk about because I didnt wannt it to be sad but i will also not sugar code things.Depression is a reoccurring feeling of sadness or loss of interest that can affect your behavior and your physical health.Sleep,eating,energy levels,concentration,daily behavior,self-estem and even suicide are associated with depression.It is said 350 Million people suffer from it which is 5% of the worlds population. It's alot isn't it. Someone asked me how can i personally handle it? So i did some digging and this is what i found. It's good to talk about your feeling let them be hurd.If you dont have it but know someone who does this ones for you.. Don't expect one conversation to fix it all,don't judge them and know that they will push you away.But you let them know you are willing to listen because you care! Advice from me to you is Look for the Silver Linning find something you look forwar...

Game Over!

Hello, and Welcome Back!☺ Bullying is a serious topic and i think it's time our family, Yess i do call you guys family but talk about that later.It's time we did our share to make it stop. What is bullying? The Definition is:"use superior strength or influence to intimidate (someone) typically to force him or her to do what one wants." It is said 77% or more students have been bullied at one point or another.If it doesnt happen to you, you know someone who has experience it.It is not okay to physically or mentally abuse someone to make yourself seem/feel better.And if you are the bully and you are reading this what you are doing is not okay! And you need to stop. Please get help.If you are getting bullied it's time you take a stand.Hold your Ground because they will try to break through our defence.But you and me and all of us are stronger together.❤ Things will get better Love, trust me . Do know that "who ever is trying to bring you down, is already bel...